Manchester United News

Thought he would be the new Scholes and he failed with United for his love of food

There was a time when the team tought that they had a new version of Paul Scholes, but he ended up failing with the team, the reason surprises.

By Angus Barnes

There was a time when the team tought that they had a new version of Paul Scholes, but he ended up failing with the team, the reason surprises.
There was a time when the team tought that they had a new version of Paul Scholes, but he ended up failing with the team, the reason surprises.
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Teams are always looking to get players that play like their legends, and Manchester United tought they had the new Scholes, but the reason why he failed shockes everyone.

This is the story of Anderson Luís de Abreu Oliveira or as many as the Manchester United fans know him, just Anderson, he was once a player for the red devils, and a player that seems at some points to play football just like the legendary midfielder Paul Scholes, but he ended up just being another failure for the team, nd the reason is surprising.

It turns out that the main reason that he failed to live up to the expectations that where set for him is because he really loved to eat, and to be more speceific he loved to eat hamburgers, with the eating habits that he had he was unable to perform to the highest level possible and he ended up leaving the team withouth being the great player that was expected.

At the time of his debut and in the seasons that he played for Manchester United they where even some persons and some media that believed that he could become the best player in the world, he had a great touch with the ball and he had the moves to leave every defender behind, but his love for the hamburgers is the main reason that we never got to see if it was true, and now Anderson lives as the promise that was never fulfilled.


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