By Angus Barnes
The red devils are looking to make some changes to the team, but the fact is that they also have the need to go ahead and look at the players that are on the team now.
Manchester United main concern is the fact that there are several players on the team that are not able to go ahead and stay fit for a big part of the season, but the fact is that if the team is able to go ahead and change that, they might be able to keep a lot of players on the team that could really help with the results as well.
It has been confirmed that one of the main reasons why the red devils have now suffered a lot with the injuries of the team is thanks to the fact that they are used to having a lot of hard trainings during the week, and in the end all of this adds up when they are in the actual games and they end up getting injured.
But the fact is that now a player like Raphael Varane was able to show to the manager and to the red devils fans that he definitely has the ability to be a part of the line up of the team in most of the games, in fact he was the man of the match against Liverpool thanks to his performance with the team now.
And this new situation with Raphael Varane would let the team wait on the idea of signing a new center back that could arrive to the team, and the fact is that now they might be ready to go ahead and use that money to reinforce some other part of the team that definitely also need the attention of the team right away.
Some of the sources believe that Raphael Varane wants to stay with the red devils, but that he definitely needs to know if he is going to be a starter for the team and if not he is ready to leave the team this next transfer window.